Monday, November 21, 2011

A Christian Evaluation of Mixed Martial Arts

In my usual internet surfing, looking for MMA news and updates across different websites and blogs, I came across this blog which showcased a blog that a pastor wrote. I mean who would not be intrigued by an article or blog post that puts being a Christian and MMA together. So I read that article and was honestly surprised that a pastor was a fan of MMA. He may not be a hardcore fan but he knew what he was talking about.

Moreover, he even explained that MMA is a sport that a Christian can love. Though MMA has been perceived to be a dangerous and violent sport, even call "human cockfighting" but critics. The article showcases how MMA is a competitive sport like much others and that it is not wrong to like such a sport.

As a Christian, this blog entry spoke volumes to me and I really appreciated reading it. It not only shows how open-minded a religion is but it is also very informative for non or casual MMA fans.

Check out this link to read the whole blog entry:

I hope you enjoy the article as much as I did.

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